A Washer Woman’s Worst Nightmare or ART?

Shirts in the night air

And You thought, you had too many shirts to wash!

Close up of the shirts

This was actually a piece of an artwork in a park here in this town last autumn aka September-October 2006. I took some shots of it in the dark because the lights made it look rather more than a few shirts and t-shirts flying in the wind. Would you believe that what I wrote about this ART that time was this, and it was said rather harshly:

And You thought, you had too many shirts to wash! I personally think, that as The Artist was looking for inspiration, she just happened to glance at the neighbour’s laundry flippin, flappin in the air and went: BINGO!

Side View of the shirts

Well, would you believe if I said that it did grow on me enormously as I passed it by, particularly, in the evenings with the lights on, showing it to its optimal and optical best. So here are some more of these shirts to delight you of these photos which I took one Saturday evening in October. There were 500 shirts in this work all in all, by the way.

This ‘Ickle Finn has had to eat her words – and that was quite something, so this was my admission of being soo wrong about this ART. It truly was – ART.

Tis for now. Riihele xx.