Flying Pig

do pigs

Lynne did a blog entry on her daughter’s why’s on June 8 2007, and it made me remember what my words were for the daughters, when they were in the ‘why’ age (2-5) maybe even slightly later. This was my comment on her entry on the same:

‘This makes me SMILE for when my girls where younger and in this ‘why-stage’ – they knew WHEN to stop these why’s at the point, when having answered a zillion of them, my answer became:

*Oh why, oh why do pigs fly?!!*

I sorely needed a break off the why’s for a while and at that point they got the hint – every time!!’

The most amusing thing about all these why’s and questions was that, when most of the time I did know the answers, their comment was an admiring:

“WOW Mum, you know EVERYTHING!

Then those times when I did not know, their comment was a very blunt:


“When pigs fly” is an idiomatic way of saying that something will never happen. Pigs are heavy animals, without wings, and cannot possibly fly. So “when pigs fly” is a time that will never come. The phrase is similar to others such as “when hell freezes over” and the Latin phrase “ad Kalendas Graecas.

The idiom is apparently derived from a centuries-old Scottish proverb, though some other references to pigs flying or pigs with wings are more famous. Here is one such reference from Lewis Carroll:

“Thinking again?” the Duchess asked, with another dig of her sharp little chin.

“I’ve a right to think,” said Alice sharply, for she was beginning to feel a little worried.

“Just about as much right,” said the Duchess, “as pigs have to fly….” —

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, chapter 9.” (Wikipedia)

Possibly the first occurrence of a pig actually flying occurred in 1909 when the British aviation pioneer Lord Brabazon made the first live air cargo flight with a pig in a basket tied to a wing-strut of his airplane. (Wikipedia)

Tis for now. Rii xx

The picture is off the net.