Pinky Roses


There is no end to the festivities in Ireland this weekend: first the St Pat’s and now
the Mothering Sunday. This is the time of the year that I am used to celebrating that specially, special day for being a mum. It is a great privilege to be a mother, indeed it is. It is also one of the most difficult jobs to be in.

The rewards of this job are always long-term, more often than not, not visible and evident here and now. In the Quarterly Global Economy run by the greed, where one has to show the ‘money’ every few months, this kind of thinking does not fit in, it is totally alien. Hence, to be rewarded for being a mother is and has never been over the ages a job well paid and appreciated but, really, quite the opposite! Yet, the women have continued to want and have DESIRED to be mothers in all the corners of the world. They or we will continue to do so, because to be a mother is to be creative. Huh?! Yes, the aspect of The Creator is only fully captured by being creative. Bringing a child into this world is the most creative of all creative things in the whole universe!

Other ‘rewards’ on this job: Double the Mother’s Days – the Irish in March and the Finnish one in May – makes double the prezzies and double the blessings of being an international mum! Indeed, the brilliant thing about an international motherhood is that you can take the best of all the worlds and combine them into a tasty mixed salad of varied ingredients. That is: when both the parents are from the different nations with the clan roots of each one going to a whole lot of other nations. Also, when both have lived in various nations it all adds up to a pretty interesting mixture all in all!

Parenting is a very special gift as it teaches one like no other thing. Anyway, that is what has happened to me. It was most, most difficult and dangerous for me to have children – each time I faced the more than the likelihood of a miscarriage during the entire nine months.There was no certainty at all – will there or will there not to be a baby at the end of the pregnancy. It was nerve-racking to the hilt!
Then the births – they were the riskiest of all, everytime, I and the babies were at each birth face to face with death for both of us. BUT GOD IS GOOD. He saw that we, that is: the girls and I, made it through in tact and in good shape! I did lose two babies who are not forgotten, even today…

That is why being a mum to me is an extra-extra privilege and an overwhelming joy that I count as the best thing, that has ever happened to me in my entire life!


Tis for now. Riihele xx